Welcome to our online store where the products of the company with the name “KINTZIOS DIMITRIOS SPYRIDON” are available for sale.

The access and use of the Website (hereinafter ricordo.gr), the products and services available through it (hereinafter “Services”) are subject to the following terms and conditions (hereinafter “Terms of Use”). The use of the Services implies the unconditional acceptance of the Terms of Use, as they apply each time. The company reserves the right to change the Terms of Use at its discretion and without prior notice. It is recommended that users check this page from time to time to be informed of any changes to the Terms of Use.

Access to ricordo.gr is allowed during its operation, but the company reserves the right to terminate or withdraw its Services, without prior notice. The company does not bear any responsibility in case there is inability to access all or part of the services for any reason.

The company makes every effort to ensure that the content of ricordo.gr includes complete, accurate, clear, valid, informative, up-to-date, true and non-misleading information. In no case is it responsible, committed or guaranteeing the security and content. Therefore, the users of ricordo.gr accept the possibility of inability of the company to control all of its content and services.

The use of ricordo.gr by each user is at his own risk and its content is not and can in no way be construed as providing advice, direct or indirect encouragement to users to take any action or action. The evaluation of the content is the responsibility of each user who assumes the responsibility for the use of any part of it.

Users are solely responsible for the possession and maintenance of telephone connections, computers and general equipment which is necessary for the use of ricordo.gr services.


The information or personal information you provide to us is subject to processing under the Data Protection Policies. By using this website you provide your consent to the processing of this information and data and you declare that all information and data you provide to us is true and accurate.


www.ricordo.gr is committed to ensuring the security and integrity of the data it collects about the users of its website. www.ricordo.gr has adopted procedures that protect the personal data that users submit to its website or provide it by any other means (eg by telephone). These processes protect users’ data from any unauthorized access or disclosure, loss or misuse, and alteration or destruction. They also help to certify that this information is accurate and used correctly.

The connection to the ricordo.gr website for the completion of payments through credit or debit cards is also secure because the payment gateway uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology.

Finally, at www.ricordo.gr you never need to disclose your debit or credit card details.


A necessary condition for the commencement of the conciliation between us is the disclosure by you of some personal information. When you place an order, we will ask for your full name, the address to which the products sold will be sent, your landline number (or any other phone you want to be used for your best service), your email address (e-mail address) etc. and in case you choose to make your payments by credit card, its number and expiration date as well as the CVV number which is written on the back of the card.

ricordo.gr strictly following the principles of protection of personal data of the individual, law N2472 / 97 provided by the relevant laws and international conventions will not proceed to any unfair use without your prior approval.www.ricordo.gr in no way discloses, publishes, sells, exchanges personal data and information that you trust us. Exceptionally, your personal information may be disclosed by the company, always observing the procedure provided by law when this is required by a Public Authority, court, etc.