Changes can be made within fourteen (14) days from the moment of receipt and can be made in our physical store.
For all cases you wish to return the product you bought (change size / color / design, replacement, repair or refund), you must send us an email with your request at [email protected]
Once your request is verified we will inform you via email about the approval of the return and instructions on how and the shipping address.
Returned products must be in their original packaging, otherwise the return will not be accepted. If for any reason the outer packaging bag is lost, you must use another bag of your choice, so that the inner packaging is adequately protected and it is not possible for the courier company to mark it.
Once we receive your return you will receive an informative email again and then you will be informed of the final outcome of the request.
If you wish to change the product you bought – and only if the product has not been used – you should send us an email at [email protected]
Changes are made within fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt.
Shipping costs for returns are borne by the customer.